Sounds of Silence

I’ve never, ever Twitted. My Nook ereader came with a Twit app. Some night when I must have been extremely freakin bored, I registered a Twit account. But I came to my senses later and never used it.

Today I opened the app and discovered I have a follower on Twit. I guess someone likes the sounds of silence.

Now I’m worried if I Twit, I’ll drive away my sole follower.  Even more worrying is that I’m following someone. I do know of that person but I never followed her.

FB Timeout

My little bro got himself sentenced to a 3 day FB timeout for posting this Dr Zukerfurter meme.

I’ve inferred, implied and insinuated what got him banned but a picture is worth a thousand words.

Dr Zukerfurter

The Zuck is a little touchy isn’t he.


I Don’t Like Mondays

This week I didn’t shoot the whole day down, but I came pretty close.

Mondays don’t mean as much when you can’t work any more. My dislike of Monday is just a tradition now. Not working does sometimes lead to confusion about what day it is, like this week.

Two days ago I got up. The grounds crew were cutting grass. That told me it was a Monday. Still, somehow I fast forwarded and got the idea it was Tuesday. I got ready to visit Dr. Detroit for an adjustment. I left a little early because of construction. I didn’t mean to leave a whole day early.

It wasn’t till I was laying on the table I realized it wasn’t Tuesday. Dr. Detroit asked what I was doing out & about on Monday. After a few moments of confusion, I realized why he was asking the question. I was a day early. So my Monday didn’t start until after 2 PM this week.

Die HomeStapo loves my junk mail

I do believe that I’ve managed to upset Die HomeStapo somehow. It makes me so happy to give lazy civil servants something to do.

I went through my pile of bills this weekend. I had noticed a week of not receiving mail, not even junk. When I started doing bills, I noticed they all had “Unable to forward for review” stickers on the envelope.

I do hope they had a good time examining my junk mail for microdots or whatever. They at least kept it and saved me the trouble of recycling it. Note to NSA, all I get by USPS is bills and junk mail. My subversive communications are by other means.

I didn’t get an electric bill, I do hope Die HomeStapo is paying it for me. I assume that’s because it’s a co op. You know that must be some kind of subversive, pinko arrangement. It begins with CO just like Commie.

PS: I’ve changed all my dead drops.

PPS: I want to be sure to get your attention NSA so:
ABC, AK47, ASIS, ASPIC, Atlas, BAR, BOSS, Badges, Bay, Blowpipe, Bob, Bugs Bunny, CCSQ, CCSS, CIA, Chechnya, College, Communication, Cornflower, Cowboy, Croatian, DEA, DISHFIRE, DRA, DREC, Daisy, Dead, ETA, Electron, Explosives, Exxon, FBI, Face, Fax, Fedex, Firefly, Flashbangs, Fox, Girls, Glock, Golf, Guantanamo, Gulf, HALO, HAMAS, HRT, Harvard, Hitwords, IBM, ID, IDEA, IS, ISIS, ISS, Illuminati, Indigo, Information, Jasmine, Jihadis, Joe, KLM, Kenya, Kosovo, Kozole, Lacrosse, Lucifer, MD5, MI6, M60, Malaysia, Marx, Mary, Mexico, Middleman, Montenegro, NASA, NSA, NSWT, Nash, Nerd, Nike, Ortega, PPP, Panoptikon, Passwords, Platform, Police, Prism, Privacy, Pseudonyms, SAFE, SARA, SEAL, SUN, Seen, Speakeasy, Sphinx, Surveillance, TETRA, TNT, Taiwan, Tanzania, Texas, Tokyo, Tor, Trailblazer, UN, Undercover, Upstream, Uzi, Visa, WAS, WASS, Whitewater, York, agencies, ambush, anarchy, anonymous, anthrax, archive, army, assassination, assault, badger, bank, banking, basement, beef, birthday attack, blackjack, blowfish, booth, bunker, camouflage, captain, cards, carnivore, chaining, charcoal, charges, chosen, clandestine, cocaine, codebook, codes, commerce, communication, communications, conspiracy, contacts, credit card, cryptanalysis, crypto, curly, cyanide, cyberpunks, data, dead, detection, detonators, dictionary, division, dynamite, edition, electronic, embassy, emm, encryption, enforcers, enigma, espionage, evasion, explicit, explosives, fedex, fetish, football, fraud, freedom, friday, fumes, fuses, garbage, glock, government, grenades, guest, guns, hacking, hamas, hate, haven, hitwords, honor, hopes, hostages, hrt, illuminati, import, incendiaries, infiltration, information, initiators, intelligence, interception, internet, jihad, keyhole, keywords, law, locks, mailbomb, mania, manifesto, marriage, middleman, military, mines, mission, mole, monarchist, motorcade, munitions, murder, nerd, news, ninja, noise, nuclear, orthodox, package, panoptikon, passwd, password, passwords, picking, police, prescriptions, president, primers, privacy, propaganda, psyops, quarter, rain, rebels, redheads, reflection, rentals, replay, resistance, retina, rockets, sabotage, sardine, sardines, scans, secrecy, secret, seen, semtex, sex, shaped, shrapnel, silencers, site, smuggle, sneakers, sniper, snipers, sniping, speedbump, spook, spookwords, sport, steakout, surveillance, swat, sweep, sweeping, telephone, texas, threat, tiger, timers, tools, top, transactions, transfer, umes, unclassified, undercover, underground, unix, utopia, uzi, virtual, virus, watchers, weapons, weekly, words, world, zen, zip, 1911, 1984, 1997, 3M, 701, 8182, 888, 9mm.

Dumb All Over

Fuck SPAMers

I set up a Wiki for the Celebrate Granite City group with the intention it would be used to create a collaborative history of Granite City.

Of course, as with anything free, SPAMers are using the Wiki to create fraudulent pages for their fraudulent SPAM to link to. I’m working on making access more restrictive but until then, I watch what pages get created. If they have SPAM links, the user is blocked, forever and the page(s) created get a redirect to this page.

I’d love to see their faces when they try and visit ‘their’ page(s) wondering why their SPAM isn’t getting them suckers.


54-40 or Fight!

I’ve been thinking about which country the US is going to invade next in the never ending quest to make the world safe for Big-Oil.

Who could it be? With the military downsizing, we should pick an easy country to invade, I’d think. That’s not just a measure of how good their military is. Logistics is a bitch. So I’m figuring the next country is Canada. We can whup them polite Cannucks and logistics is a snap.

The TeaBaglicans are going to bring up the old ’54-40 or Fight!’ slogan and demand we invade Canada and take back what’s rightfully ours. The Demonican James Polk campaigned on that slogan, then traitorously compromised for the 49th parallel.

Righting that wrong just happens to take in a good chunk of the Alberta Oil Sands. I’m betting they go for all and change the boundary demand to ’60-40 of Fight!’ Snappy, eh?

Highest Life Form?

As an agnostic, I’m unsure of the existence of a Supreme Being turning the crank. But if there is one, he’s got to be fucking Japanese.

There are 50 Trillion cells in your body. Most have a nucleus containing a folded strand of your DNA. Straighten out that single strand and it’s 6 feet long.

So the Supreme Being has to one Origami folding mother fucker to fold 6 feet into one cell and 55+ Million miles of DNA into your body. Has to be Japanese.

All that DNA is organized into pairs of chromosomes.  Fruit flies have 4 pairs, a banana 11, a Rhesus monkey 21, and finally humans with 23 pairs of chromosomes.

Y’all jes might assume from that, the more chromosomes, the higher the life form.

Lets continue and see what the highest life form is. Chimpanzees have 24 pairs (WTF!?!) Cows have 30 (WTFF!?!) and chickens  have 39 pairs (WTFFFFFFF!?!).

Does this mean Foghorn Leghorn is the planet’s highest life form?

Christians vs Banksters

Coming soon to PPV

TeaBaglicans and Christian[yeah, right] Bigot groups are fond of spouting selective Biblical passages while ignoring others that don’t suit their view.

You can find all sorts of things reading the Bible critically.

First, you don’t have to get far to quash the ‘Perfect’ claims. It claims both that

  • man and woman were created on the 6th day
  • and woman was created another day from Adams rib. That’s after Adam turns down God’s bestiality offer. Eve could have been a sheep.

The animals go onto Noah’s Ark

  • two by two and also
  • the clean animals by sevens and the unclean by twos.

It depends on which ‘perfectly correct, word of God’ verses you choose.

The Old Testament God was a sociopath. I guess having a kid mellowed him out some. Elisha was heading to visit Elijah. A bunch of kids made baldy comments about Elisha. God sent she bears to rip two and forty children to pieces for that baldy taunt. “And God so loved the world …”

In the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot is the only one in those cities who was righteous enough to be saved. When the crowd wanted to meet Lot’s guests he offers the mob his virgin daughters for gang bang. Righteous? Yeah, that means if a bill collector or such knocks on your door during a little dinner party, it’s righteous to throw them your virgin daughters so they don’t disturb your guests. Hey, it says so in the book. If you don’t do it ya ain’t gwine up to hebbin.

The Biblical Pickers and Choosers seem to always attack the innocent. I say sic them of the guilty, Wall Street and the Banksters!

Usury, collecting interest on a loan is a sin. It’s right there in the sort of shared Holy Book of three religions.

Deuteronomy 23:19 Thou shalt not lend upon interest to thy brother: interest of money, interest of victuals, interest of any thing that is lent upon interest.

Deuteronomy 23:20 Unto a foreigner thou mayest lend upon interest; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon interest; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou puttest thy hand unto, in the land whither thou goest in to possess it.

Jews could charge non Jews interest but not fellow Jews.

Islam took it farther and still bans any interest. That has to lead to some interesting circumlocutions to charge interest without ‘charging interest’.

But this is Murica and Murica is Christian, Right?

Hate to bust your bubble, bucko. Jesus was against charging interest. Got ya! The Christian Church banned interest. Even being in favour of charging interest could get you done for heresy.

And it wasn’t just Jesus just about everyone was on the interest is evil line. Moses, Plato, Aristotle, Cato, Cicero, Seneca, Aquinas, Muhammad, …

It wasn’t until the 14th century that the Church allowed charging of interest without excommunication or getting done for heresy.

So what’s a knight to do when he needs a new sword and is skint. Well that’s what Jews were tolerated for. They were already damned so they could lend money to Christians, handy.

Even handier, they have almost no legal status. So, if you don’t pay them back, they can’t do much. Nobility loved that because they could always ban from their land any Jew they owed money.

Christian banking didn’t appear until lot’s of righteous Knights returned with plunder. Jew were inconvenient then. Nobility had money to lend and money to make. With the right grease the Church decided Christians could lend money at interest after all.

Jews were massacred in one town, by herding them into a castle yard and burning them to death. No, not the evil Krauts, it happened in York, England.

And and little while after Edward I came up with a solution to his deficit. Expel all Jews with only what they can carry, anything left behind belongs to the Crown. It’s good to be the King. Sounds like Germany, don’t it.

So all y’all TeaBaglicans & Christians[sic fucques]whip up some poorly spelled signs and head for Wall Street. Banks are against the Word of The Lord! That target is at least no innocent like all your others. Focus the Holy Wrath of God on the Banksters.