Here There Be Traitors

Something a little different for this Memorial Day. I’m still honouring and remembering all those who gave everything for their country. How could I not? My family has fought in pretty much every war this country was in and even before there was a country. They started with King Philip’s War, King William’s War, the Battle of Quebec in 1690, The French and Indian Wars and kept going with the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, …. Your history classes maybe mentioned the French and Indian War, but never mentioned the 1st three nor mentioned the French and Indian Wars were four wars.

I guarantee the story of the traitors I’m about to get to was never mentioned in your history class. You have to take schoolbook history with not a grain, but several tons of salt. Edison did not invent the light bulb, Marconi didn’t invent radio, …

Traitors live and prosper among us is never going to be taught, They’ve missed the dishonour they so rightly deserve. Let’s rectify that too this Memorial Day. They deserve equal time, don’t you think? It’s only fair (and balanced).

This will be a long one. There are a large number of traitors to vilify, revile and generally abuse for putting profit before country. There is no patriotism when profit calls. It’s only a sampler. I’m trying to keep this an essay, not a book.

Prescott Bush, George’s pappy and Dubbya’s grand-pappy, was money launderer in chief for Adolf and Fiends, using Swiss bank, BIS to to bypass those pesky blocked bank accounts the Nazis couldn’t access. With one little bounce through BIS the money was ‘clean’, and Prescott richer. Prescott and Union Banking Corp. were eventually shut down, stock and money seized, but after the war, he got all his ill gotten gains back. Union Banking Corp wasn’t the only traitorous Bankster. JP Morgan, Chase and others all played the money beats morals game.

IBM was invaluable to the Final Solution by converting census data into an efficient list of people to send to concentration camps and helped keep the trains to Auschwitz running on time. Besides money, CEO Thomas Watson was awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle by Hitler for his help.

Texaco, sold petroleum to Franco’s regime during the Spanish Civil War and later Nazi Germany. The US issued an oil embargo. Texaco violated it and was fined. Texaco stopped, were a good little oil corporation, and everyone lived happily ever after. Sorry, that’s a fairy tale. The Texaco board said, “There’s gold in them there wars!” They continued shipping oil to Franco and Adolf. They just made sure they wouldn’t get caught again. Texaco’s profit margin dropped a little bit. They had the extra expense of buying flags and paint to re-flag and re-christen Texaco tankers in mid-Atlantic. Hocus pocus, presto changeo tankers ‘belong’ to some other company and country. Plausible deniability!

You can run a jet on nearly anything that will burn, but piston powered aviation engines need high octane gasoline. That means tetraethyl lead for leaded gas. Unleaded just doesn’t cut it for Blitzkrieging. Standard Oil and GM jointly owned the Ethyl corporation, the world’s sole source of tetraethyl lead. Surely that meant the Nazis were cut off. You don’t know corporations very well, do you? They played the old shuffle your shipments through another country game. In this case ‘selling’ buttloads to the Netherlands. “It’s not our fault if the Germans ship it to Germany.” How many people died because GM and Standard Oil kept Nazi warplanes flying?

GM again with a new dance partner. When the German subsidiaries of Ford and GM were asked by Adolf & Fiends to convert to war production, they clicked their heels smartly and said, “Zum befehl, mein Führer. Sieg heil!” with the blessing of the US parent corporations. But, when asked to retool US factories for war production, GM and Ford balked. I guess Adolf paid better. Ford made millions using slave labour in its plants. Ford was also allied with IG Farben in the Buna chemical plant at Auschwitz. They used slave labour to produce Zyklon-B gas for the ‘showers’. That’s right, the prisoners made the poison gas to kill themselves. That’s Teutonic efficiency. After the war Ford & GM were able to collect all that lovely Nazi profit locked up in blocked bank accounts. On top of that they had the unmitigated gall to sue the US for the damage allied bombers did to their German factories. Yes, the bastards won their suits, earning nice little multi-million dollar bonuses for their treachery.

I guess I should begin wrapping it up and just list the rest of the traitors by name:

  • Alcoa,
  • ITT,
  • General Electric,
  • Dupont,
  • Kodak,
  • Westinghouse,
  • Pratt & Whitney,
  • Douglas Aircraft,
  • United Fruit,
  • Singer,
  • International Harvester,
  • and more all greedily joined in for their share of the Nazi profit bonanza.

Can’t forget Big daddy Fred Koch(sucker) sire of Chuckie and Davie Koch(sucker). He was a minor traitor, but took took money from anybody, Commies, Nazis, anyone. He’d be dealing with Lil Kim and Iran right now if still alive. His whelps very likely are. It’s all about the Benjamins, can’t buy politicians without them.

Now, don’t think corporate  treason began or ended with WW2. Corporate greed is eternal. While Iran was still under sanction, Dick Cheney’s Haliburton, really wanted to sell oilfield and refinery equipment to Iran. Black gold means real gold. “We don’t need no steekin sanctions!” They added the good old subsidiary shuffle to their dance card. Haliburton US has hundreds of wholly owned and controlled foreign subsidiaries. (Of course, they do. Don’t evade taxes without them.) Cheney’s corporation bounced their US inventory through subsidiaries until they got to Haliburton Dubai. Dubai wasn’t one of the countries enforcing sanctions on Iran. How fortuitous! The product bounced from Haliburton Dubai, across the Persian Gulf to Haliburton Iran and bingo money bounced back to Haliburton US. Haliburton US claimed to have no control over their wholly owned and controlled subsidiaries and got off Scot-free.

Remember, there are no morals or patriotism where corporate greed is involved. On this day honour and remember the patriots who gave everything for their country. They deserve it.

But, never forget to hate and revile the corporate traitors, who place profit above patriotism and morals. They are deserving too. Deserving of your revulsion.

Those who forget history are destined to repeat it. You can be sure the treason continues. You don’t think that the above villains and others aren’t doing a booming business with Lil Kim despite the sanctions against North Korea. They are. A little detour though China and it’s sanctions, what sanctions?

Citizens United and the Price of Personhood

The US Supreme Court decision on Citizens  United (AKA Corporations Unlimited) declares that corporations are persons with the same constitutional rights as human persons.

That’s a pile of shit, but it will take a Constitutional Amendment to reverse the ruling. That’s extremely unlikely to happen. If an Amendment makes it through the corrupt, DO Nothing, Corporate Owned, Congress, it will take years to ratify.

Is there nothing human people can do? Do we all just bend over, grease it up, and let these corporate ‘persons’ plook us? Fucque that, we’re Americans, not slaves to corporate ‘persons’. We fight back against tyranny!

I know all y’all are asking how can we fight the all powerful corporations? Torches and pitchforks won’t do it. As the Occupy movement has shown us, corporations own the police through their ownership of our government, from Federal down to village boards.

The answer is to use the US Constitution to ensure ‘corporate persons’ receive all the benefits and obligations as ‘human persons’. Nail them with the fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection clause. Not through a new Constitutional Amendment. We don’t need a new Amendment. The Fourteenth  has been around  over 148 years.

No more corporate/human discrimination! Full equality  for corporate persons!

It won’t keep corporate bribes out of our political system, but it will make corporations rue the day that SCOTUS ruled in their favor on Citizens United. And, cry over the bribes to Supreme Court justices. They’ll beg for a repeal of Citizens United, claiming they’re only the legal fictions they are, not persons.

Applying the amendment will force corporations to begin paying their fair share of taxes, limit political contributions. eliminate the offshore shell games they use to hide income from taxation, and make the inversion game, where they pretend to move to another country, extremely costly and unattractive. They’ll even have to contribute to Social Security.

Sound good so far? Let’s get on to the how.  Simple, apply the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.  Corporations have foolishly set a precedent by claiming the 14th Amendment applies to them, when they were fighting the minimum wage hike in Seattle. The fools set themselves up. Let’s give them equal protection until they scream.

The civil rights of human persons are being grossly violated by applying separate laws to corporate ‘persons’. Would it be right to apply different tax laws to Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, LGBTs. … , while Heterosexual Whites get preferential treatment? Hell freakin NO! There would be riots, along with civil rights lawsuits, if that happened. So what’s different about corporate ‘persons’ getting preferential treatment over human persons?

Why are the civil rights of human persons are being violated by giving preferential treatment to corporate ‘persons’?

  • Corporate ‘persons’ income is taxed at a different rate than human person  income. Not that corporations actually pay that tax rate. Many corporate ‘persons’ make billions and pay nothing, even receiving tax refunds. Other corporate ‘persons’ pay far below the statutory rate.
  • Corporate ‘persons’ are not taxed on foreign income, human persons are.
  • Corporate ‘persons’ can openly hide money in offshore tax havens, human persons go to jail for hiding money offshore.
  • Corporate ‘persons’ can magically invert themselves and become foreign corporations without penalty,  a human person has to pay a tax penalty when they renounce US citizenship to become a citizen  of another country.
  • Human foreign persons need a work permit to work in the USA, but not corporate foreign ‘persons’.

That’s just the short list. There are many more civil rights violations.

Applying the Equal Protection Clause to corporations will result in a collective corporate scream, so make sure you have ear protection.

So let’s do it. No legislation needed, only a directive or executive order directing the IRS and other government agencies to apply the laws fairly and equally to all persons, human or corporate. At worst it will take a civil rights lawyer, or many, filing civil rights law suit(s).

Some may argue the Equal Protection Clause as written applies to the state governments, not the Federal government. However, the Supreme Court held in Bolling v. Sharpe (1954) that equal protection requirements applies to the federal government through the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.