The pants pissing and pooping paranoids who are afraid of refugees forget that this country was settled by people who were refugees or criminals.
Georgia was settled by criminals who made the choice to come to the new world to escape debtors prisons.
The other colonies were founded by refugees from religious persecution. Some were Protestants oppressed because they lived in a Protestant country but weren’t the right kind of Protestant. Others were oppressed because they lived in a Catholic country. And there were even Catholic refugees from Protestant countries.
Religious persecution continued in this country because they didn’t belong to the ‘right’ church. Massachusetts hanged both Baptists and Quakers as heretics because they belonged to the ‘wrong’ church. New England splintered into a number of colonies because if you didn’t belong to the ‘right’ church, it was move or die. That’s the reason freedom of religion is in the First Amendment.
Not that it helped much. People were still lynched because they belonged to the wrong church. The Klan didn’t lynch only Blacks. The strung up Catholics and Jews too.
My sixth Great-Grandfather in 1730 as refugee in the Palatine exodus. The Palatinate was a German state in the Rheinland. They were between the French and German states. They had farms and crops destroyed every time one side or the other came through to keep the other side from getting food. They had to change religions every time a new Elector took power. It was change or die.