I do believe that I’ve managed to upset Die HomeStapo somehow. It makes me so happy to give lazy civil servants something to do.
I went through my pile of bills this weekend. I had noticed a week of not receiving mail, not even junk. When I started doing bills, I noticed they all had “Unable to forward for review” stickers on the envelope.
I do hope they had a good time examining my junk mail for microdots or whatever. They at least kept it and saved me the trouble of recycling it. Note to NSA, all I get by USPS is bills and junk mail. My subversive communications are by other means.
I didn’t get an electric bill, I do hope Die HomeStapo is paying it for me. I assume that’s because it’s a co op. You know that must be some kind of subversive, pinko arrangement. It begins with CO just like Commie.
PS: I’ve changed all my dead drops.
PPS: I want to be sure to get your attention NSA so:
ABC, AK47, ASIS, ASPIC, Atlas, BAR, BOSS, Badges, Bay, Blowpipe, Bob, Bugs Bunny, CCSQ, CCSS, CIA, Chechnya, College, Communication, Cornflower, Cowboy, Croatian, DEA, DISHFIRE, DRA, DREC, Daisy, Dead, ETA, Electron, Explosives, Exxon, FBI, Face, Fax, Fedex, Firefly, Flashbangs, Fox, Girls, Glock, Golf, Guantanamo, Gulf, HALO, HAMAS, HRT, Harvard, Hitwords, IBM, ID, IDEA, IS, ISIS, ISS, Illuminati, Indigo, Information, Jasmine, Jihadis, Joe, KLM, Kenya, Kosovo, Kozole, Lacrosse, Lucifer, MD5, MI6, M60, Malaysia, Marx, Mary, Mexico, Middleman, Montenegro, NASA, NSA, NSWT, Nash, Nerd, Nike, Ortega, PPP, Panoptikon, Passwords, Platform, Police, Prism, Privacy, Pseudonyms, SAFE, SARA, SEAL, SUN, Seen, Speakeasy, Sphinx, Surveillance, TETRA, TNT, Taiwan, Tanzania, Texas, Tokyo, Tor, Trailblazer, UN, Undercover, Upstream, Uzi, Visa, WAS, WASS, Whitewater, York, agencies, ambush, anarchy, anonymous, anthrax, archive, army, assassination, assault, badger, bank, banking, basement, beef, birthday attack, blackjack, blowfish, booth, bunker, camouflage, captain, cards, carnivore, chaining, charcoal, charges, chosen, clandestine, cocaine, codebook, codes, commerce, communication, communications, conspiracy, contacts, credit card, cryptanalysis, crypto, curly, cyanide, cyberpunks, data, dead, detection, detonators, dictionary, division, dynamite, edition, electronic, embassy, emm, encryption, enforcers, enigma, espionage, evasion, explicit, explosives, fedex, fetish, football, fraud, freedom, friday, fumes, fuses, garbage, glock, government, grenades, guest, guns, hacking, hamas, hate, haven, hitwords, honor, hopes, hostages, hrt, illuminati, import, incendiaries, infiltration, information, initiators, intelligence, interception, internet, jihad, keyhole, keywords, law, locks, mailbomb, mania, manifesto, marriage, middleman, military, mines, mission, mole, monarchist, motorcade, munitions, murder, nerd, news, ninja, noise, nuclear, orthodox, package, panoptikon, passwd, password, passwords, picking, police, prescriptions, president, primers, privacy, propaganda, psyops, quarter, rain, rebels, redheads, reflection, rentals, replay, resistance, retina, rockets, sabotage, sardine, sardines, scans, secrecy, secret, seen, semtex, sex, shaped, shrapnel, silencers, site, smuggle, sneakers, sniper, snipers, sniping, speedbump, spook, spookwords, sport, steakout, surveillance, swat, sweep, sweeping, telephone, texas, threat, tiger, timers, tools, top, transactions, transfer, umes, unclassified, undercover, underground, unix, utopia, uzi, virtual, virus, watchers, weapons, weekly, words, world, zen, zip, 1911, 1984, 1997, 3M, 701, 8182, 888, 9mm.