54-40 or Fight!

I’ve been thinking about which country the US is going to invade next in the never ending quest to make the world safe for Big-Oil.

Who could it be? With the military downsizing, we should pick an easy country to invade, I’d think. That’s not just a measure of how good their military is. Logistics is a bitch. So I’m figuring the next country is Canada. We can whup them polite Cannucks and logistics is a snap.

The TeaBaglicans are going to bring up the old ’54-40 or Fight!’ slogan and demand we invade Canada and take back what’s rightfully ours. The Demonican James Polk campaigned on that slogan, then traitorously compromised for the 49th parallel.

Righting that wrong just happens to take in a good chunk of the Alberta Oil Sands. I’m betting they go for all and change the boundary demand to ’60-40 of Fight!’ Snappy, eh?